International Shipping Secrets – Choosing a Logistics Company

International shipping companies are vital for shipping goods to foreign countries. As part of their responsibility, overseas shipping companies deal with very strict laws and customs. When hiring a reputable logistics company, much of the hard work is done for you.

Shipping overseas companies must adhere to very different rules than local shipping companies. In addition to significant paperwork, shipping costs are greater and there is more time involved to get goods from the point of origin to the final destination. Companies that offer overseas shipping provide comprehensive services, which eliminate work and stress for you.

Transit Time – One of the first pieces of information you will provide a logistics company is the date when you need the goods delivered. This allows the experts to create a plan. A reputable company knows that international shipments are often delayed. Therefore, the plan will account for this risk. However, even with the best planning, there are times when goods are delayed in customs.

Fees – The customs department charges a fee on internationally shipped goods. The exact fee depends on the destination country and value of the goods. There is also the shipping tariff, which consists of the shipment fee charged by the company handling logistics and additional freight taxes on certain goods.

Customs – International shipping companies must ensure that all overseas shipments clear customs. Typically, this involves filling out a form for the country of origin and another form for the destination country.

Proper Packaging – Packaging is unique to the destination country. The right logistics company will determine the correct packaging and labeling based on the goods and destination.

Transportation MediumInternational shipping companies use different transportation mediums. While airfreight and sea are the most common, the exact medium is based on your goods, cost, and time involved. Airfreight will get your goods to their destination quicker than sea, but this mode of transportation is more expensive. Trusted companies have long-standing contacts with transportation mediums to ensure you get the best deal.

Warehouse Storage – Although not ideal, sometimes large shipments arrive at the destination without adequate space available. Reputable international shipping companies can arrange for secure warehouse storage on a temporary basis. This prevents the need for your goods to be unloaded upon arrival only to be reloaded and moved to a temporary storage facility.

With years of experience and outstanding knowledge of international shipping, we feel 100% confident that we can help with your upcoming need for a trusted logistics company.

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